Tuesday, August 13, 2013


About this template
Date Released:   Nov, 2012
Designer:   Hong Hoa
Price:   FREE

Creative Commons Attribution: You are free to use, distribute or adapt this template for your personal or commercial website. But, you must attribute the work to the author. Should not remove credit links.

Design Features
Post Thumbnails Show a thumbnail image (small image) for every post using this template

Fluid Width Width of your website adjusts to the user browser resolution. User can enjoy Full page content

Featured Post Show featured posts in home page using this template. Engage your users by showing your top content in home page

Hierarchical Menu Metro Modern Solar template comes with hierarchical dropdown navigation menu.

Customization Features
Navigation menu for this template is customizable in HTML. Edit the HTML to add your menu links

Widget Ready Metro Modern Solar template comes with many widgetized area. Add your widgets easily using this template

More Features
SEO Ready Metro Modern Solar template is optimized for Search engines like Google. This template helps your website to rank higher in search engines

Related Posts
Metro Modern Solar template shows related posts in the bottom of every post. This improves user engagement of your site

Ad Ready
Use this template to show Banner advertisement or Google ads easily. Make money using your site

RSS Buttons Metro Modern Solar template comes with RSS Buttons. Let your user follow you using your RSS feed

Social Buttons This template comes with social buttons like facebook, twitter etc., Let your users share your content easily

Search box
Metro Modern Solar template has search box in it. Search box helps your user to find the content easily on your site

Pagination links helps users to navigate easily to your older posts. Users can click easy to use buttons to go to Page 2, Page 3 etc.,

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